Design a modern logo and corporate identity for a practice for specialized physiotherapy

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: FBC75
  • Category: Logo & stationery
  • Total budget: € 319.00
  • Start date : 02-10-2016 23:16
  • Ending date : 09-10-2016 23:13
  • Status : Ended
  • Required formats: jpg,ai
  • Relevant files: None
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 40
  • Response rate:
    low high


After 12 years it is time for a new logo and corporate identity:

A Logo
B Identity - used for:
1 Business Card
2 Appointment Card
3 practice leaflet
4 Correspondence
5 Enveloppes
6 advertisement sign

(7 website
Possibly also for:
8 Flags and Flyers
9 Stickers for cars)

Company description:

Company description
is a practice where one can go for treatments relating to general physiotherapy, sports injuries and rehabilitation, registered pelvic (floor) physical therapy and related sexological counseling.
Especially the registered pelvic (floor)physiotherapy is a specialty concerning pregnancies, urological, gynecological or proctological problems and whether they are men, women or children, it is a large part of the patient population of the practice.

Target group:

Target audience
Both men and women with common complaints such as neck, shoulder, back, knee or ankle problems.
Through years of experience and work in special backcentre beside a registered pelvic physical therapy university education is the practice open for women, men and children with symptoms in the lower back, pelvis, hip and / or pelvic floor. It can also be given sexological counseling at pelvic or pelvic related complaints. Pregnant women with pelvic complaints.

Colors, favourites and other requirements

Colors, favorite logos, must haves
A fresh catchy recognizable logo, notably the pelvic physiotherapy may be reflected.

Social Network