Start-up Zooport is looking for logo and icons for subscriptions

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: Zooport
  • Category: Other
  • Total budget: € 259.00
  • Start date : 15-12-2014 14:18
  • Ending date : 15-01-2015 14:17
  • Status : Ended
  • Required formats: jpg,ai,pdf
  • Relevant files: None
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 48
  • Response rate:
    low high


Design a unique, fresh and playful logo for the start-up Zooport and three icons for the subscriptions on the website Zooport = flexibel, expertise and transparency. Goal is to give Zooport a unique face. Playful, humour and willful are key elements that should be in the design.

We need:
- Logo for website + thumbnail (social media)
- 3 icons for subscriptions: 60 minutes, 2 hours and 5 hours of support

Zooport is:
- Willful
- Playful, but not too kiddy
- Thrustful
- Flexibel
- Transparent
- Helpful

Zooport already refers to ZOO (animals). We would if you would use some animal references in the design of the logo and icons. Doesn't have to be a face of an animal, can also be a paw, tail, horn or something. Make it something iconic and something you would be able to draw/doodle.

Company description:

Zooport is an online marketing support platform for small business. Small business owners can find help on Zooport regarding online marketing and pay for advice per minute (on demand support). Zooport is a start-up and is a new/unique concept. That's also what we're looking for in a logo/brand.

Target group:

Target audience: freelancers and small business owners.

Colors, favourites and other requirements

Check for the color themes we use. We have a temporary logo, but don't get to distracted by this..

We also have temporary icons for subscriptions on the website:

Color codes: (You are allowed to use complementary colors)
- #c85f45
- #3f3f3f
- #8c8a8a

We've attached out current logo and a couple of images that we like. We love:
- Flat design
- Playful
- Start-up like style
- Animal references in logo/subscription icons

Logos/styles we love:

And a way to show subscriptions with visuals/icons:

Y-graphic design
  • Other # 422073 for Start-up Zooport is looking for logo and icons for subscriptions contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer Y-graphic design:

      Hierbij een nieuwe variant, mvg

    2. Zooport says :

      Het idee van de slang vind ik erg leuk!

    3. Y-graphic design says

      Bedankt! Graag hoor ik wat er beter kan. mvg

    4. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Other # 421791 for Start-up Zooport is looking for logo and icons for subscriptions contest Submit complaint
    1. Zooport says :

      Bedankt voor jullie inzending!

    2. Y-graphic design says

      Bedankt voor de beoordeling, graag hoor ik uw feedback ter verbetering. Mvg

    3. Zooport says :

      Wij zijn heel erg fan van flat design bijv:

      Daarnaast een duidelijk beeldmerk (maar wel simpel) die ook op zich zelf kan staan.

      Qua iconen/afbeeldingen pakketten, zoeken we echt sprekende afbeeldingen die groei vertegenwoordigen. Bijv van klein naar groot of icm tijd/zandloper. Freshdesk heeft dit op een hele leuke manier gedaan:

      Heb je hier wat aan?

    4. Y-graphic design says

      Bedankt! Ik heb ineens een idee met happen uit de icoontjes. Klein hapje uit 60 min, grotere hap uit 2 uur etc. Ik kan een link leggen met het beeldmerk en logo. Was het O dubbel gebruiken wel goed of liever de gehele naam? Mvg

    5. Zooport says :

      Liever de gehele naam. Ik vind je denkrichting leuk. Je zou ook een staart ergens in kunnen verwerken, bijv in de Z. Mag best wel speels en eigenzinnig.



    6. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Other # 421784 for Start-up Zooport is looking for logo and icons for subscriptions contest Submit complaint
    1. No comments

    2. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

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