Van der Most & Livestroo

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: mathijsmost
  • Category: Logo & stationery
  • Total budget: € 319.00
  • Start date : 26-02-2016 17:12
  • Ending date : 11-03-2016 17:08
  • Status : Ended
  • Required formats: jpg,psd,ai,pdf,eps
  • Relevant files: None
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 40
  • Response rate:
    low high


For a new company Van der Most & Livestroo we want a logo and corporate identity.

Below is some general information:

Symbolization of the logo:
Breakthrough in cooperation/people working together as one (soft)
Breakthrough in structure / processes (hard)
Connecting people
Expressive color
We do not want a logo with puppets

Our proposition:

Vision: What is our purpose?
- The specialist in the Netherlands in the field of personal growth and development of teams (development cooperation) and management of change in organizations. So three levels: individual, team, organization.

Core competencies: what do we do best?
- Facilitating and supporting change processes that lead to a breakthrough at the individual, team and organizational level.

Differentiation: how do we distinguish ourselves from the rest?
- We go for changes at the source, not for the quick fix.

Core consumer: in whom we put our focus?
- Anyone who wants to achieve a breakthrough in the development of an individual, team or organization

Core values: what we believe in?
- Relationships always comes first
- We give and would like to receive, we will never take what is not given
- We learn, so we welcome feedback
- We live to give
- We inspire and love to be inspired
- We go for real contact / encounter
- We enjoy differences and seek dialogue rather than debate.
- We believe in the power of simplicity

Personality: What characterizes us?
- Fun, Optimistic (Anything is possible if you want), Committed, Helpful, No savior at the expense of, high degree of professionalism and not easily satisfied.

Mission: why are we doing this?
- Status quo is in our eyes a set back. Change is nice, change development, change is growth. Change is mostly natural. Many people are afraid of change. Anxious people are not in their power. We want to help people to allow changes in their lives and thereby learn to stand in their power

Brand promise: why you should choose us?
- With us you do not go for the quick fix, you want a breakthrough "sustainable change" to realize and learn to be loyal to yourself

Propositions: what services we provide?
- Personal change: Coaching, personal leadership week: grow24 (inspiration)
- Team collaboration: team coaching, management development :, grow24 (intervention)
- Organisation change: Interim change management

Approach: How are we doing?
1. Solution at the source> mindset (beliefs, worldview)
2. Tangeble support> guiding principles and structure
3. Activate new thinking / work (learning vs. discover) (breakthrough)

Tooling: what tools and theories (inspiration) we use?
- Spiral Dynamics, System Dynamics, Buber, Warner (Arbinger), Frankl

Company description:

Target group:

Colors, favourites and other requirements

  • Logo & stationery # 586328 for Van der Most & Livestroo contest Submit complaint
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  • Logo & stationery # 584266 for Van der Most & Livestroo contest Submit complaint
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  • Logo & stationery # 584265 for Van der Most & Livestroo contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer update:

      Here my contest. I used a modern font, simple because i would like to play with the letters M & L. I use orange because this color is dynamic and grey for the serious. Don't esitate to give me your filling.
      best regard

    2. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

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