Develop a fresh cool logo + identity for the launch of La Vida uitvaartbegeleiding.

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: La Vida
  • Category: Logo & stationery
  • Total budget: € 100.00
  • Start date : 13-07-2015 19:45
  • Ending date : 25-08-2015 11:15
  • Status : Ended
  • Required formats: jpg,ai,pdf
  • Relevant files: None
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 60
  • Response rate:
    low high


Develop a pretty cool logo + identity for the launch of La Vida uitvaartbegeleiding . The logo must sparkling eyes and friendly for all ages.

Company description:

From personal experience I started La Vida uitvaartbegeleiding. I am authentic , I offer people peace , outline , inspiration, innovation ( there can be as much ) function more as a guide , I seek connection and am passionate about my profession. I work from the premise that every person is unique and deserves a loving farewell . I am involved with other people and I invest time and attention in the funeral . By listening and my immense empathy I can form a good picture of the deceased. I work with possibly an interview. Another look at saying goodbye , no memory of the dead , but as a celebration of life.

Target group:


Colors, favourites and other requirements

Fresh blue / aqua blue or mint green , sparkling, something with a blossom , calligraphy letters ( maybe in white or cream ) for La Vida below calligraphy decoration or perhaps around , connection.

  • Logo & stationery # 512336 for Develop a fresh cool logo + identity for the launch of La Vida uitvaartbegeleiding.  contest Submit complaint
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