Creating a dynamic logo for a business center in Paris

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: ABCDCenter
  • Category: Logo & stationery
  • Total budget: € 479.00
  • Start date : 03-10-2016 00:07
  • Ending date : 22-10-2016 00:06
  • Status : Ended
  • Required formats: jpg,psd,ai,pdf, vectoriel, transparent
  • Relevant files: None
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 194
  • Response rate:
    low high


Hello, we seek a dynamic logo representative of our activities:
Business center
business direct debits, associations, individuals, phone debits
Rental of rooms for meetings, training, recruitment etc ...
booking office
Professional training
short any activity related to a business center
We need to view this logo immediately understand that ICI place to come this should seem obvious if we look for a Parisian address or if you search a rental space for the same services that we offer! Short for you to be creative ;-) play available if needed more data ;-)

Company description:

ABCD Center is a business specialized in the domiciliation of Companies, On associations of individuals.
Room rentals and pay office meetings, training, appointment, supervision, etc ...
Our business center serums Located in the heart of Paris 15th

Target group:

Companies wishing to either find a space to complete their training or have a Parisian address to domicile the seat of their company and why not give appointment to their customers in Paris in a prestigious address

Colors, favourites and other requirements

n fact the idea might be to a stamped envelope with writing ABCD A Center which would be a nice Eiffel Tower slightly bent and vibrant colors with a living thing and why not glimpse the hand of the designer complete the R ABCD but CenteR this is an idea that the aim glance we understand on our clearance activity and business center of Paris ... that's good luck to everyone ;-)

CAUTION our ideas are stupid beings and trigger logos too heavy on you have carte blanche to propose original and creative things with your own feelings ;-)

stevan banjac
  • Logo & stationery # 657931 for Creating a dynamic logo for a business center in Paris contest Submit complaint
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