Logo for the future YOUTUBE Channel "YOGA Chez Katia"

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: YogachezKatia
  • Category: Logo design
  • Total budget: € 229.00
  • Start date : 14-02-2016 10:51
  • Ending date : 01-03-2016 09:59
  • Status : Ended
  • Required formats: jpg,psd,ai,
  • Relevant files: None
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 243
  • Response rate:
    low high


Hello! :-)
Thank you very much to pay attention to our project!
We want a logo for our YOUTUBE channel which name is "Yoga Chez Katia" and also for others ways of communication (blog, facebook, tee shirts, etc...)

Company description:

The concept: sports teacher from Brasilia (Rio), Katia share her yoga passion in videos, filmed on wonderful sunny beaches (in the South of France, name is "Côte d'Azur"). Videos are filmed on beaches with fine sand with a backdrop of rocks and Mediterranean trees ( pines ).
The purpose of these videos is to help people in their personal development ( physical and spiritual ) , from yoga exercises (support close and regular ) .
Some additional features of the personality of Katia : smiling , dynamic, Christian principles but not Buddhists.
We chose the name " YOGA at Katia " because recently installed in the South of France , she wants to invite viewers "at home" (meaning the sun, the sea , on the beautiful beaches ) through its Youtube channel.

Target group:

Mainly men and women over 30 years , a relatively easy social level , anyone who has an interest in personal development ( physical and spiritual ) , health and relaxation .

Colors, favourites and other requirements

We have chosen to turn these videos in an environment that is reminiscent of the holiday, to allow spectators to relax and escape from the daily grind while doing good with yoga exercises .
Colors: you can suggest us appropriated colors but we would like the logo remains visible in black and white .
The logo must be affixed to the remaining visible video " Yoga at Katia " must be read that the viewer can easily remember the name of the channel.

Thank you all for your participation , we are open to suggestions and are really looking forward to admire your talents ! :-)

PS: a little bonus , one that finds our logo will be welcome in one of our videos for a yoga session , coached by Katia !

  • Logo design # 579488 for Logo for the future YOUTUBE Channel Submit complaint
    1. YogachezKatia says :

      Est ce q il est possible de rendre la fleur moins présente? Avoir un contour plus fin...amincir la fleur, avec moins des motifs? Merci beaucoup!bravo pour le travail.

    2. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo design # 579487 for Logo for the future YOUTUBE Channel Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer Estelle-rdg:

      Voici les modifications ! :)

    2. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo design # 579424 for Logo for the future YOUTUBE Channel Submit complaint
    1. YogachezKatia says :

      Celui d'en bas à droite est très joli, pourrait il y avoir moyen de 1/Agrandir le cercle intérieur pour avoir plus de place 2/Agrandir le "yoga chez Katia" pour une meilleure visibilité sur les vidéos (nous avons mi des screenshots sur notre page de concours pour se rendre compte de cela directement)3/Agrandir aussi le personnage 4/donner un côté Méditerrannéen en rajoutant la mer et/ou la plage et/ou arbres type pins parasol? Merci beaucoup pour votre très beau travail! :-)

    2. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

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