Logo for professional photographer

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: parenteauphoto
  • Category: Logo design
  • Total budget: € 229.00
  • Start date : 04-01-2015 01:47
  • Ending date : 18-01-2015 23:59
  • Status : Ended
  • Required formats: jpg,psd,ai,pdf
  • Relevant files: None
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 226
  • Response rate:
    low high


I need a logo with my signature as much for my business card, signs, my website, social network for my photographs. I am a professional photographer from Quebec, and I keep changing my signature .... I wish I had a small logo that represents me. But above all it is nice about my photos to be published on the web, the personal galleries of my clients, in short, all my photographs are not printed.

Company description:

I opened my photo studio there 3 years. In fact, I will start my fourth year on my birthday, or on 7 February. What better than a new logo for the occasion.
To know me better to help you create, you can visit my website at the following address: www.parenteauphoto.com

I am also a professional musician (cellist). So I love everything that is classic, elegant
excuse my English, I use a translator

Target group:

Men, women 20 to 50 years. I do a lot of family portraits, children, babies, maternity. This is the bulk of my work. Both in the studio and outdoors.

Colors, favourites and other requirements

Should my name be included in larger ie: Parenteau Photo Studio (the word studio is not mandatory.
If possible have my name listed as (smaller): Caroline Parenteau, photographer
or Caroline Parenteau, portrait photographer

It is essential that my logo is as much about business pictures with white background as photos with black background. So if possible a version in white and black.

as a color, I like the pink in the first place or aqua (blue-green), but not too much color for this to be pretty much on my photos in the studio and outside)

I wish he is and all, but a little feminine touch look like me. (a female writing my name (Caroline Parenteau, photographer), a touch of color pink or aqua somewhere etc .. This is just an example)

A small art cameras and Parenteau and picture could be cute with my name below ..... This is just an example.

I am a very artistic person, being a musician and photographer (but I do not want my music on my side comes out too logo).

Signing a logo a bit discreet, feminine, classic, has class

I hope I have helped and inspired mainly because I really do not know and I'm not creative at all for myself.
A big thank you to all who will help me.

  • Logo design # 429926 for Logo for professional photographer contest Submit complaint
    1. parenteauphoto says :

      J'aime beaucoup cette version merci

    2. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo design # 429385 for Logo for professional photographer contest Submit complaint
    1. selenia says

      voici la mise à jour!


    2. parenteauphoto says :

      super merci beaucoup

    3. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo design # 429352 for Logo for professional photographer contest Submit complaint
    1. selenia says

      J'ai mis aussi uni,juste pour vous montrez! (n3)

    2. parenteauphoto says :

      J'aime beaucoup le premier (01), mais finalement j'aime mieux Caroline Parenteau écris avec l'écriture comme sur la carte d'affaire noire. Je vous écris en privé si c'est possible pour quelques questions.

    3. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo design # 429305 for Logo for professional photographer contest Submit complaint
    1. selenia says

      version "bleu" sur carte de visite noire et une autre police pour votre nom!

      le logo peut être uni ou avec une touche de couleur sur le coeur.

    2. parenteauphoto says :

      J'aime beaucoup ceci.... Pouvez vous rajouter quelques part Parenteau photo

    3. parenteauphoto says :

      Peut-être aussi une version sans couleur pour l'écriture, et une autre police dans le même style juste pour voir. Mais j'aime bien cette version. Bravo

    4. selenia says

      merci, pour votre commentaire, je suis contente que cela vous plaise ;)
      essayer une autre police pour votre "nom prénom"?

    5. parenteauphoto says :

      Caroline Parenteau écrit avec une autre écriture.
      Je suis du Québec et nous disons souvent police de caractère pour les sortes d'écriture hihihi !!! peut-être n'utilisez-vous pas cette expression hihi

    6. selenia says

      oui, nous aussi merci Caroline, je vous le fait de suite.

    7. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo design # 429303 for Logo for professional photographer contest Submit complaint
    1. selenia says


      Voici une première proposition de design.
      N'hésitez pas à me faire part de vos impressions et notifications.

      Bien cordialement,

    2. parenteauphoto says :

      J'adore l'appareil photo!! Bravo
      Il faudrait que ce soit écrit : Parenteau photo (studio n'est pas obligatoire)

    3. parenteauphoto says :

      J'aime beaucoup le coeur rose, mais pas le rose de mon nom je crois hihi !!! désolée je crois bien que j'ai beaucoup de demande hihi !!! Merci encore

    4. parenteauphoto says :

      J'aime bien l'effet que cela donne sur les photographie

    5. parenteauphoto says :

      Pour la signature directement sur les photographies comme présentée ici est-ce possible d'écrire Parenteau photo en dessous de l'appareil photo? c'est peut-être trop long par contre.... Je vous laisse travailler. merci encore

    6. selenia says

      non, pas de souci, je vous fait un essai!

    7. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

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