Logo for our Bar

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: The Achievement
  • Category: Logo design
  • Total budget: € 100.00
  • Start date : 16-04-2015 19:36
  • Ending date : 26-04-2015 19:32
  • Status : Ended
  • Required formats: jpg,ai,ps
  • Relevant files: None
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 123
  • Response rate:
    low high


We would got a logo which look young. He has to represent the GEEK universe but the achievements(in game) too or just
underline the gaming universe. We wants to use this logo as emblem for our bar but also for our entire communication.

Company description:

It's a video game bar. His main activity will be the re-run of big event's e-sport, provide clients with computers and old/recent games
but also the organization of regular tournament.

Target group:

Mainly, men and women, between 18 and 35 years old.Each people who likes vidéo games and e-sport.

Colors, favourites and other requirements

Main color: Red,Black,White . The name of our bar " The Achievement" has to appear in the logo and his font should remain

  • Logo design # 475589 for Logo for our Bar contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer Marou:

      J'attends vos commentaires, merci.

    2. The Achievement says :

      Bonjour Marou et merci de ta proposition.
      L'idée proposée est intéressante mais ne colle pas trop, cela représente un verre de vin et fait alors plus référence à un restaurant

    3. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

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