Logo for my new company Nibble which is a delicious healthy snack delivery service for companies

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: johnderks
  • Category: Logo design
  • Total budget: € 150.00
  • Start date : 19-06-2015 19:48
  • Ending date : 26-06-2015 19:32
  • Status : Ended
  • Required formats: jpg,ai,pdf, eps, jpeg, png, bmp, svg, wmf
  • Relevant files: None
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 87
  • Response rate:
    low high


About the logo:
- it should be a square (the outer lines should form a square), the whole square should have color
- it should be simple
- contains the name as well as a simple figure that has something to do with nature or health
- company name is Nibble and the lettertype of that name should be blockletters or capital letters
- it should look healthy, delicious, innovative, modern, playful and friendly

Company description:

What I need is a logo for my new company Nibble which is a delicious healthy snack delivery service for companies that comes with a cool wooden snack displaybox from which employees can take snacks as they like. Snacks are paid for by the company because the targeted companies believe in investing in the health and happiness of their employees. The snacks include nuts, seeds and dried fruit mixes as well as several healthy cereal, granola and date bars but also snack olives for example.

Target group:

The targeted customers are companies with 10 - 75 employees who are:
- highly educated
- have a high income
- care about healthy eating
- are more often women than men
- are 25 to 40 years old
- live in the city
- who work out a lot
- often good looking
- are cool and innovative

Colors, favourites and other requirements

I don't like simplified figures of people.

The two or three colors within the logo should be some shade of: green, purple, orange and white

A few logo's that I like are:

- https://angel.co/farm-hill
- https://www.bitebox.com/ (German similar company)
- https://angel.co/zestbuds
- http://www.healthyvending.com/ (US similar company, I like the hand part of the logo)

  • Logo design # 496980 for Logo for my new company Nibble which is a delicious healthy snack delivery service for companies contest Submit complaint
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  • Logo design # 496969 for Logo for my new company Nibble which is a delicious healthy snack delivery service for companies contest Submit complaint
    1. johnderks says :

      Hi there, excuse me, I've completely changed my mind about the businessmodel of my company over the last week as well as my thoughts on what kind of logo I need for it. The description above is no longer accurate. Instead of a healthy snack delivery service I've decided to go for a healthy vending machine business with the same target group as described above and the same snacks.

      Now, what I need is a logo with the name "Nibble" and the slogan "Delicious Healthy Snacks" under the name and some natural figure(s) like (a) leaf(s). Please make the name and the slogan green. Please use the color combination white and green. Please make the logo simple.

      I like this logo: http://www.google.nl/imgres?imgurl=http://logopond.com/logos/e5b927bb38990c7fa7a773e9ba9848a1.png&imgrefurl=http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/138013&h=260&w=325&tbnid=N5rs9ZQpoZfv0M:&zoom=1&docid=4pYCX2WVu2k_NM&ei=QgKLVZitB8vX7QbE7LxQ&tbm=isch&ved=0CE8QMyhLMEs4yAE

      Please make something more or less similar with dark green and lighter green accents as you can see on this logo.

      Thanks a lot in advance!

    2. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo design # 496960 for Logo for my new company Nibble which is a delicious healthy snack delivery service for companies contest Submit complaint
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  • Logo design # 496957 for Logo for my new company Nibble which is a delicious healthy snack delivery service for companies contest Submit complaint
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  • Logo design # 496956 for Logo for my new company Nibble which is a delicious healthy snack delivery service for companies contest Submit complaint
    1. No comments

    2. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

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