Help us design a logo which gives professional athletes the right impression about us!

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: btimmer
  • Category: Logo design
  • Total budget: € 229.00
  • Start date : 16-11-2016 14:36
  • Ending date : 08-12-2016 14:34
  • Status : Ended
  • Relevant files: None
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 157
  • Response rate:
    low high


We offer custom trainings to professional athletes to enable them to realize a more stable foundation, a solid base from which they are able to achieve a higher peak in their mental and physical performance.

We do this by offering them custom trainings in high performance focus and breathing techniques which have their origin in traditional yoga, pranayama and meditation.

The yoga, pranayama and meditation part is not an element we want to emphasize.

We are looking for a logo which radiates , high performance, custom made, improvement, expertise, scientific based, know-how, sports, growth, dynamics, movement, stability.

It should appeal to proffessional athletes, trainers, coaches, sponsors.

The name is - PEAK Fundamentals - (the website is

The subtext is - High Performance Focus and Breathing -

We would like to fit all this in, the focus can be on PEAK.

We like a clean and minimal design

We like the shape of the a Triangle to emphasize the peak, and the stable foundation.

We had the idea to have the A as a triangle. We are definately open to other designs and idea’s.

We like the colors blue and bright (fluorescent) orange but we are open to different ideas.

We are looking forward to your design!

Bryan and Paul

Company description:

Target group:

Colors, favourites and other requirements

Manuel Di Cam
Social Network