Design a neat and modern logo for Analyze a supplier of data solutions

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: Wouter_H
  • Category: Logo design
  • Total budget: € 519.00
  • Start date : 22-03-2021 09:09
  • Ending date : 05-04-2021 09:07
  • Status : Ended
  • Relevant files: None
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 295
  • Response rate:
    low high


Design a modern logo for a supplier of data driven solutions like data platforms, data portals, predictive models and digital twins on a broad topics, among which are smart city projects. We would like to have the logo to have a neat look that is associated with data and digitizing.

The company that needs the logo is called ‘Analyze’ and is a part of a larger holding called ‘KBenP’, where Analyze is the data specialist where products and services on the area of business intelligence and data analytics are developed and implemented. The new logo is not bound to the corporate identity of KBenP.

The most important values of Analyze are Quality, Reliability, Collaboration and Innovation.

We would like to have two versions of the logo. One that just shows ‘Analyze’ and one that additionally also says ‘by KBenP’. The format in which the logo is delivered should at least be in a svg and png format.

From the winner we additionally request also a design of PowerPoint slides and a writing paper in Words.

We watch the submissions intently, however we will not award any ratings in the form of stars. Instead, we will provide feedback on the individual submissions.

Company description:

Target group:

Colors, favourites and other requirements

Esti Design
  • Logo design # 1186669 for Design a neat and modern logo for Analyze  a supplier of data solutions  contest Submit complaint
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  • Logo design # 1185519 for Design a neat and modern logo for Analyze  a supplier of data solutions  contest Submit complaint
    1. Wouter_H says :

      Bedankt voor je inzending!
      Zou je bij dit logo nog een subregel willen toevoegen: "Data Solutions" en "By KBenP"?
      We zijn benieuwd hoe het er dan uit ziet!
      Deze vraag hebben we ook gesteld aan een paar andere inzenders. Maar dit logo is één van onze favorieten.

    2. Esti Design says

      Ik heb drie opties voor jullie gemaakt.
      Ik hoop dat het naar jullie zin is.

    3. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

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