A name for a young, innovative financial advisory/consultancy company

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: ddk.nl
  • Category: Company name
  • Total budget: € 99.00
  • Start date : 09-09-2013 14:39
  • Ending date : 23-09-2013 14:32
  • Status : Ended
  • Relevant files: None
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 131
  • Response rate:
    low high


We need a name for our newly formed financial advisory company. We will provide advise to banks and financial institutions on how to grow, become more efficient and succeed in difficult markets. We will advise them in what type of investments they need for a long term strategy. We will base our services based on doing everything in the right way and help institutions grow into happy and efficient organizations.

Company description:

We are striving to employ and work with young people that will be mentored by experienced bankers and professionals. We will have experienced professionals in our management and board, providing operational risk, investment, business plan, start up planning, mergers and acquisitions due diligence.

Target group:

Financial institutions and banks in emerging markets, financial funds in the developed countries, international organizations that want to penetrate new markets or need to standardize the operations of the existing branches in different countries.

Colors, favourites and other requirements

  • Company name # 249164 for A name for a young, innovative financial advisory/consultancy company contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer gregw:

      For sixty pounds you're not going to get a proper name, forget that. A proper name deserves attention of the copywriter as well as yours. That means work and demands proper pay.
      If your business is a serious one, and I assume it is, the company name is no mean thing, it'll be something you have to feel 'at home' in for a long time.
      I have some idea how to handle the matter, and I propose to do that via Email directly. First thing is I need to know more of what you want to express (if anything at all, since expressing is not always the way to go), and what your specialities are. The brief is too..brief.
      On payment (pay-pal please) we have to agree on something a good deal better than a fee. I propose 30 Pounds per hour.
      I am an designer, no language wizardry there, but always kept the language thing as a most interesting sideline of the business. I am 64.
      Later on, if everybody is happy, I could give a hand in the graphics too.
      If you think my proposal is interesting, you can even call me on the phone; 0031 10 4777440
      Gregory Wissing, Rotterdam

    2. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

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