Design icons for a new car purchasing website

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: Serkan
  • Category: Buttons, icons
  • Total budget: € 149.00
  • Start date : 14-08-2018 17:22
  • Ending date : 21-08-2018 17:21
  • Status : Ended
  • Required formats: jpg,psd
  • Relevant files: None
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 9
  • Response rate:
    low high


Design some icons that will be used on a new website to buy cars from consumer. We need icons that will has te tell immidiately which picture we ask to the consumer to take. So we need from to consumer to take some pictures of her/his car, and the icons had to explain which pictures we need of the car. The icons must be simpel and effective. We need this pictures: car front left, car front right, car rear right, car rear left, front, left side, right side, back, steering wheel incl. instrument panel, dashbord taking from the left side, dashbord taking from the right side, back seets, trunk, roof

Company description:

Target group:

Colors, favourites and other requirements

  • Buttons, icons # 883208 for Design icons for a new car purchasing website contest Submit complaint
    1. masterbrandy says

      suggestion is very helpful.

    2. Serkan says :

      I like the black one, right under. I assume that this is only a example? you will now make the icons I asked for?

    3. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Buttons, icons # 882892 for Design icons for a new car purchasing website contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer masterbrandy:

      Goede dag.

      Ik zal je wensen uitwerken.

      Ik kan de kleur aanpassen.

      feedback is welkom

    2. masterbrandy says

      Met vriendelijke groet, Ben

    3. Serkan says :

      Goedemorgen, dit is voor mij de eerste keer dat ik dit doe dus ik hoop dat ik snap wat je bedoelt. Als ik moet kiezen uit 1 van de 4 afbeeldingen dan denk vind ik de bovenste 2 geschikter omdat die geen vierkante omlijsting hebben. Mijn voorkeur gaat is dat alleen de icoontjes te zien zijn. Qua kleur denk ik dat enkel zwart of blauw geschikt is. Het gaat mij erom dat de icoontjes waar ik om vraag ontworpen worden en dat ze duidelijk weergeven wat er gevragd wordt. mvg

    4. masterbrandy says

      will thank you very much.. i will change the color..

    5. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

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