Logo: to give a strong, modern and dynamic image for a company which sells materials and concrete to be delivered

Contest details:

  • Contest holder: Tignol Béton
  • Category: Logo design
  • Total budget: € 479.00
  • Start date : 24-05-2017 10:00
  • Ending date : 07-06-2017 00:00
  • Status : Ended
  • Required formats: jpg,psd,ai
  • Relevant files: None
  • Available languages:
  • Number of designs: 174
  • Response rate:
    low high



My english is far from being perfet, so I hope you will understand.

We have 2 activities:
House building materials sailing, with Tout Faire Materiaux franchise (we don't own the logo)
Concrete plant and delivery with concrete trucks with our own historic logo

We would like a new logo which will be over the two others, to join our 2 activities. We are a small company but it's kind of the "group" logo
This logo will be used for website, vehicles, flags, and other communication products
It will be, at least at the beginning, shown next to the others logo, so it's better if there compatibility

The company is turning more modern and we would like this logo to show this new state of mind and freshness. We are conviced that a logo in this domain can be strong but also goodlookin and dynamic.
We would like the logo to be easy to use and to have a little piece of it that we can change with our different activites
We would like it to be easily and quickly recognised.
We also would like to have, at least a very small link with the historical logo

I attach the 2 logos

Company description:

Samll company which sells everything you need to build your house or other construction projects
We have 3 shops of materials and 2 concrete plants on 4 geographic places

Target group:

The target is both professional companies, professionals working alone, and every people and private individual

Colors, favourites and other requirements

Appart from what I explain on the "needs" section you are free to use all your creativity

  • Logo design # 735011 for Logo: to give a strong, modern and dynamic image for a company which sells materials and concrete to be delivered contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer K1:

      une autre variante

    2. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo design # 734953 for Logo: to give a strong, modern and dynamic image for a company which sells materials and concrete to be delivered contest Submit complaint
    1. No comments

    2. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo design # 734451 for Logo: to give a strong, modern and dynamic image for a company which sells materials and concrete to be delivered contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer K1:

      un autre concept

    2. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo design # 733157 for Logo: to give a strong, modern and dynamic image for a company which sells materials and concrete to be delivered contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer K1:

      j'ai décliné l'aspect cubique, déstructuré et triangulaire du logo historique, les couleurs de votre logo ainsi que l'arc de cercle soulignant l'ensemble que j'ai décliné en 3 couleurs.
      pour la typo, j'ai opté pour une font déstructurée pouvant s'apparenter a la texture du béton.

      j'attends votre feedback.

      bonne journée.

    2. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

  • Logo design # 732788 for Logo: to give a strong, modern and dynamic image for a company which sells materials and concrete to be delivered contest Submit complaint
    1. Description by designer K1:

      bonjour, voici une proposition.
      le plus logique étant de conserver les deux entités distinctes tout en les regroupant.

    2. Tignol Béton says :

      Merci pour la réactivité

      Nous souhaitons qu'il y a tout de même un peu de changement.
      Par ailleurs la maison est un logo qui appartient à l'enseigne Tout Faire Matériaux donc nous ne pouvons pas l'utiliser pour notre propre logo.

      Je pense que je n'avais pas été très clair la dessus, je vais donc le rajouter dans la description.

    3. K1 says

      Autant pour moi. Dans ce cas cela implique qu'on ne peut reprendre aucun element de l'enseigne, y compris le texte. Qu'en est il du second logo ? Peut on le decliner ou est il protegé lui aussi ?

    4. Tignol Béton says :

      En effet, pour le second logo par contre, il est à nous on peut faire ce qu'on veut.
      Comme je disais nous ne recherchons pas un rafraichissement du logo existant mais plutôt une forte évolution qui serve de logo pour le "groupe", je le mets entre guillemets car étant donné la petite taille de notre entreprise ça pourrait vite faire présomptueux :)

    5. This contest is finished. Its not possible to reply anymore.

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